Meditation for Anxiety and Panic Attacks
November 7, 2019
No one wants to be on medication for life if at all possible. Meditation for anxiety and panic attacks is...
Living a Balanced Life is Possible
August 29, 2018
Is Balance is a Myth? There’s a popular concept perpetuated amongst coaches and speakers that “there’s no such thing as...
Living an Integrated Life
June 14, 2018
Where do you draw the line between your spiritual life and the rest of the world in your everyday experience?...
Personality Development – the Integration of Body, Mind and Emotions
April 15, 2018
As we grow into ourselves we come to recognize that we are a complex composition of instinct, feelings, thoughts and...
Meditation in Motion and the Runner’s High
March 23, 2018
Running Meditations I am in the middle of running a ten-mile trail loop through some low foothills in the Southern...
Guided Relaxation Meditations for Peace and Calm
January 5, 2018
Meditate on Your Toe! Well at least it starts there as you will see in one of these guided relaxation...
The Purpose of Life is a Life of Purpose
January 4, 2018
Robert Byrne is cited as having originated the profound quote: The purpose of life is a life of purpose. ~Robert...
Be Grateful for the Positive Trend to Gratitude
January 4, 2018
Gratitude and the Power of Being Thankful As of this writing, January, 2018, a search of Amazon books and the...
The Power of Presence and Breath
January 3, 2018
How many breaths go by unnoticed? How many heartbeats? How many opportunities to love, to live, to make a difference…...